Learn the style of American Tiger jujitsu. This system incorporates around 60+ techniques. We believe in using techniques that work! This simple and effective course comes on CD and plays each technique step by step. This system uses locks, pinches, strikes, self defense applications, takedowns, and knowledge of striking points on the body, plus much more.
Our system has been used by many students worldwide for many years. Many people have benefited from this simple to learn system.
*There are four main belt ranks, Yellow, Purple, Brown, and Black belts.
*Manuals come with CD.
*Two options to move up in rank.
1. you may use our honor system - This means that you may automatically move up in rank once you feel you have completed your course requirements. This is usually preferred for those who already have martial arts experience. Also this is an act of faith between our Academy and you the student. By moving up in rank without practicing, you are only hurting yourself.
2. Or You may submit a video test on VHS, DVD, CD, or streaming video online. Low Testing / certificate fees apply, see "Test page" for details.
You will then either be emailed your certificate in jpeg format, or mailed to your home .
*This course was constructed using a digital camera to capture step by step pictures and put together using Microsoft Movie Maker, most techniques are in AVI format meant for your computer to view. There is no fancy editing and some techniques such as strikes and blocks are single pictures. The CD contains four folders each of which are broken out by belt level along with written material (manuals) detailing each of the techniques. This is our first and among our most popular courses offered and produced.
Cost just $19.99
*We also offer 2nd thru 6th Dan Black belt teachings for this style. All courses above 1st dan black are in manual form which are easy to understand and effective to learn. Hundreds of students Worldwide have benefited from this. Do it today. Make a purchase in your martial arts future today!